Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Christmas Break

So Christmas break has finally or sadly come to an end! The kids and I (and Tom at some points) enjoyed our time off tremendously! We made gingerbread houses with friends, sugar cookies with more friends, went to the zoo, the mcwane center, the galleria, and the library. We ate Chick Fil A for breakfast, because who doesnt love a Chicken Biscuit?? We played games and spent time relaxing, eating, reading, watching movies, etc.

The kids were introduced to Christmas classics such as Home Alone :) Jonas absolutley loved it, a little too much actually! They wrote some sweet notes to Santa and made him cookies. We unsuccessfully built a fire to make smores... something we still have to figure out.

We did Christmas with my parents the Friday night before they left for Arizona.

I made so many desserts in two weeks I have forgotten what some of them were! Tom and I got to stay up late, and I got to sleep in ;) Thanks Tom for working so hard!!

The kids got to play with each other and their friends from church they never get to play with anymore because of school.

With all of that said we had a very low key very relaxing christmas break! It was a much needed break from daily routine but I have to say I think all of us are happy to be back to school and in a regular schedule again!

Some news that happened over Christmas break was Tinzley pretty much potty trained herself! The poor thing had a little stomach bug and just hated going in her diaper. She would just tell us when she needed to go werever we were, whether at home or out. This impressed all of us! She has now gone to school two days in a row in underwear with one tiny accident! I did not want to say anything just yet because I didnt want to jinx it but she seems to be doing very well and just LOVES her Hello Kitty underwear... are you shocked at her choice?? :)

So here is my picture for today January 4th


  1. Sounds like break was so great!! I am glad Tom got to spend some of the days with you, and was able to get a break himself!
    Yay for potty training, and even better that she did it herself!! Sorry she had to be sick to have it happen though. She is so cute in her hello kitty hat!

  2. Oh and I love the new header!! Such a great family picture!
