We had some pretty bad storms roll throught the Birmingham area last night. Luckily were south of the really bad parts but did have some really strong thunder and lightning and enough rain to flood our backyard. This is Tinzley and Jonas checking out our little pond. We are studying Winter animals and penguins this week at school. Jonas got to bring his penguin Penny to school. This animal has been around for awhile. I got it when I moved to Wisconsin when I was 5. :)
I took some pics of Tinzley playing on the playground at school. She is so fearless! She is also doing so great with potty training. It is crazy to have both kids out of diapers. (Well, except for nighttime) Although Tom and I went to dinner and a movie on Friday night with some friends from church and had two teenage girls from church watch the kids. We forgot to tell them to put a diaper on Tinzley for bedtime and she woke up the next morning dry! Crazy!
This is Jonas on Sunday watching The Lion King holding onto his guns. Boy, I do not like those things! Why do boys love them so much??
That is so great that Tinzley is doing so good with potty training. We still do diapers at nap and bed time. But it is getting more frequent that Judson wakes up dry!! LOVE IT!! Sorry about the storms, but glad you were not too effected!