Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Beach vacation!

We had the best week at the beach! Perfect weather, perfect company, perfect food!!
Day one.
We left our house around 10 and headed in a caravan of 4 cars to the beach. We stopped to eat around 1 and all got to finally see everyone! We were headed to the beach with my mom, my aunt Nola, my cousin Rachel her husband Ed and their two sweet boys, my cousin Mitch and my cousin Tina her husband Kevin and their 4 kiddos! 17 in all!!!
We were headed to alligator alley before we got to the beach and the kids loved it! We got to see them feed the alligators and we got to do a little feeding ourselves! We left alligator alley around 5 and got back on the road for the beach. We had a new passenger with manny joining us and tinzley rode with grandma! It was so much fun to listen to manny and Jonas discuss the sights! We stopped at a farmers market and the grocery store before arriving to the plantation around 7! It was a long day but such a good way to start a great week!
We ate pizza got unpacked and settled in for the night!

To be continued. Hopefully with some pics!

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Too cute!

On our way home from church this morning I turned around to find two little friends buckled in the backseat! Jonas and tinzley take care of their friends :)