Saturday, January 14, 2012

Birthday Party/Washer/Grandma Pawpaw Saturday

We woke up to Jonas wanting Daddy to come see something he had built...which right now I cannot remember what it was. So our day started around 8 and Tom insisted on making breakfast! I tried to tell him that it was his day to relax but he just wouldnt have it ;) So while he was cooking, yes I was taking pictures but also started our Saturday tradition of laundry. I put a load in and noticed after awhile it was very quiet for a load of laundry. I lifted the lid and it was smoking and smelled like burning rubber. Tom and I knew this could not be good. We called my parents to see if they had any insight. My Dad said he would be over as soon as possible. Well we had a party to go to so figured out how to drain it and put the wet clothes in the dryer and were on our way. Turns out it is fine... Just old and needs smaller loads but still works. Sigh of relief!! My parents ended up staying the day with us which was nice because Tom and I got to go running. They got pizza for dinner and Jonas and Paw Paw built some legos Tinzley and Grandma got some snuggle time in! Welcome home Tom! :)

Tinzley was invited to a birthday party this weekend and Jonas was invited too but it was a girly party. Luckily they have a brother so he didnt mind going!

It was so much fun letting the kids play, eating ice cream, and cake, and talking with good friends. I also took my camera to get some practice taking pictures. It was chilly out but the sun was shining so really a beautiful day!

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