Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Tuesday Pics

Watching Monsters Inc.

It was a busy Tuesday but good! I had to drop the kids off, run to the bank, run to the pharmacy, go to ladies bible class, pick the kids back up at school, then run home for nap time! After nap time I got dinner ready and I was going to go to ladies bible class (yes twice in one day) then do our grocery shopping but that was becoming a little overwhelming so we all went to church, dropped me off and the kids and Tom headed to the store. I got a text a little after 8 from Tom asking if Rachel could drop me off because he didnt have the cash... :) Headed over to Wal Mart and got the groceries paid for and headed home. Just another typical Tuesday in the Phifer house! Boring huh?? :)

Jonas has had a couple REALLY good days which has been so refreshing! :) I have been having some little breakdowns over guilt and just feeling overwhelmed. I have an amazing support system that gets me through the rough the times by just listening and understanding. How lucky I am! Trying to remember that God can take any situation and turn it good :)

Hope you are all having a blessed week!!

1 comment:

  1. Not a boring day at all, it sounds all to familiar!! :) Oh the million things we do in a day!!
